Kubera — Every little detail is important

I just recently reached the Arc Your Justice and Mine.. And also started reading wiki page which mentioned about how Asha wasnt allowed to talk in many instances

How could I have missed all these…

Season 1 Chapter 18: When Asha was telling Leez about her village with 0 deaths



And then when she shared her story with Yuta



Goddamit how could I not see this… I should re read the whole thing soon

I realised that the story took a turn for depression at the arc I’m currently at, Leez found out that Asha has been hiding alot of things and tried confronting asha but was unable to do so since asha is in prison…

Leez eyes are starting to look really cold…..

Ughh… bring me back my innocent days where Asha threatened to cut off Leez ears


Reflection/Rant: Manhwa – Kubera One Last God [Part 1]


I’ve been reading Kubera One Last God recently on MangaFox. Just finished Chapter 202, which is the end of Arc: That Which Cannot be Grasped or Held. So I’m going start reflecting and ranting about everything that has happened before… So if you haven’t read this arc and do not wish to be spoiled, please do not continue reading any further..

P.S. I am really sorry for how messy the post is going to be… It’s kind of like a rant to me so I’m just typing down whatever goes through my head(which is not the most orderly brain there is)

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